Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 5 & 6: spoke too soon (repost)

Round 2: This one's for Antzi!

I had posted up Day 5&6 on Friday, but something happened and my post got deleted...I'm trying to recall what I blogged about and I believe it had a lot to do with feeling tired, getting cravings, and poops (yes, I will talk about poo).

So to cut straight to the chase, for the first time since being on this detox, I finally started to feel tired on Day 5 (last Thursday). I couldn't seem to focus on anything in particular. Maybe it was because I had a lot on my mind, or maybe it was because I'm starting to crave certain foods. Which brings me to what I'm about to say next.

Bacon. I miss bacon!

Of course, I got this urge to eat it from watching a few episodes of Dead Like Me. You see, the characters get together in a restaurant for breakfast and all I saw were mountains and mountains of bacon being served. It made my mouth water and sent my taste buds straight into withdrawal! I felt like the Cookie Monster when he sees cookies and says "COOOOOKIEEES" just before devouring every cookie he sees in sight. Well, "BAAAACOOOON"

The other thing that happened was that my poopsters weren't regular -like they were every other day. I swear, it's like my body heard me and said "oh yeah? You think you're the one in control here? Ha! I'll show you who is in control, Missy!" and shut down my system. I was hors-service. Game-over.I was stool-stalling in the bathroom stall for like 20 minutes last week! I just wish I had some reading material or something... you know? Ooof!

Well anyway, by this weekend, I was back in business. Everything working and functioning just as it should.
I suppose it was just a glitch in the system. Shit happens sometimes, you know? HA!

(yes, mom, S-H-I-T)

Well, that about covers those days
Thanks for reading xx

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